I like planning. Planning for marriage, planning to have a baby, planning for my honeymoon, etc. Planning makes me feel prepared. Of course not everything goes according to plan, but it makes me feel safe. Most of all, I like planning my life.
I know most of you out there will think I am crazy. "Why plan when things always do not go according to my plan?" Well, as much as I can help it, I hope things will just go smoothly according to my plan. As for things beyond my control, I won't let it bother me and I will see what I can do about it to "shift" it back into my planning. This is called contingency plan! :)
Well, I think I have my whole life planned out since I am matured enough to think (the skeletal plan of coz!). I plan on completing my degree and to join the workforce. I plan to get married and have a baby or two.
Well, I can say I have completed my degree and worked for approximately 4 yrs before I resigned from an MNC. I am still working now, but it is for my husband and not for an employer. Thus, more free time ( but less money!:P ) for me to do what I want to do.
Now that I am married and we are planning for a baby soon, we already plan to start saving for my kid(s) education. (In fact, we already started saving!) Besides that, both darl' and I have insurance plans, and both of us also already wrote a will.
People always tell me "No need to plan also your kids will grow up and be strong and healthy". Yes i know.
People always tell me "No need save money ler. What if we die tomorrow? We may not live to see next year". Yes i know.
But planning makes me feel prepared and safe. I like feeling safe. It is one of the nicest feeling in the whole world. Feeling loved and feeling safe.
However, remember...planning alone is not enough. You need to execute your plan!
Plan for the gender of your baby... =) No kidding!!!
haha...i dont mind boy and girl, as long as healthy! ;D
Wah after reading this entry, I felt like I need start to planning.., I'm now planning to go pang sai in 5 minutes time.
I plan to be a full time daddy, and a part time consultant. :-).
Darlin'...wah..then who is gonna earn money to raise our kids?
u better work super hard now! :D
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