And to our surprise and amazement, Khye aced this challenge.
On his first try, he was already better than both hubby & I. He didn't pause frequently like what we do.
On his 2nd try, he could recite it almost smoothly.
And on his 3rd try, it seemed as easy to him as reciting the usual ABC! 😱
This little nerdy boy of mine loves the ABC, with him knowing his alphabet soon after he knows how to talk. He also requested for an Alphabet-themed birthday party last year, and him writing the ABC everywhere, even on his bandaged wrist when he was hospitalized last year.
This is a short clip of him reciting the alphabet backwards on his 3rd try, minutes after his first try!
So if he was singing a song, or reciting a poem!
I can't gelp but to be very proud of this little nerdy boy of mine!