BellySmall for 32 weeks, or so I've been told. However, my gynae said my baby is bigger by a week. So is big, mummy is small.
AppetiteMy appetite is good. I eat very frequently nowadays. I take breakfast, elevenses, lunch, tea, dinner and supper. But all in small portions.
CravingsI dont have any (darlin, u better thank your lucky stars!) except for my normal Chocolate cravings which I have since I know how to munch when I was 2 years old!
I still love Kit Kats, Hersheys, Ferrero Rocher, Nutella, M&Ms....
ClothesI don't have many to choose from. I only bought a low-hip long jeans and a 3/4 slacks as bottoms, and 2 tops and a dress from ModernMum. Other than that, I live on borrowed clothes from my family...mostly from my mum ;)
SkinMy complexion is OK. No large amount of pimples or acne breakouts YET (touch wood!). But I have those uneven skin tone pigmentation on some parts of my body...namely neck, breasts, and belly.
General WellbeingI feel tired more frequently. Night time sleep is often interrupted by having to go pee - more than 3 times every night.
Although people commented that my belly is small, it is still way bigger than it used to be. So it is rather difficult to find a good position to sleep. Lying on my back is a definite no-no. It makes me cannot breathe. I need to lie on my side with my body pillow in between my legs.
MoodI feel happy almost all the time knowing the Little Angel is growing healthily inside my womb. I even feel happy when he kicks me hard! Many people comment that I have that 'glowy' look on my face, is it true? :D
HubbyHe is such a dear so far. He accompanies me to every pregnancy checkup and also attended all 3 ante-natal classes. He refuses to let me climb up the stepladder to retrieve things and always help me to carry all the heavy stuff.
He even created a profile in his hp called 'VIP' which only I can call in and not others. This is really important as usually he used to switch his hp to Silent mode when he is with his clients. So now with this VIP mode, I get to reach him in case of emergency.
In short, I don't know what I'll do without him! :)