21 March 2010
Yiu-Shern's 9 months Milestone
These 2 photos show Shern such a big boy now. I love the way he looks at the camera through the playpen nettings. I love these 2 photos.
Shern's growth measurement:
Age - 9 months @ 10 March 2010
Weight - 8.70 kg
Length/Height - 73 cm
Head Circumference - 45cm
Shern was being measured just a few days after he fell sick for the 1st time. His weight was down by 100g.
Look at his gloomy face when he was sick.
2 April 2010
Hanky Affair
Min-yee was the one who put the hanky on top of his head. Min says this made him look like a girl. Is it so?
To me, he still looks boy-ish.
Sleeping With Style
Shern sleeps with style. Shern sleeping on the bouncer stylishly with his right leg up.
2 April 2010
And yes, he drools too...sometimes. :P
19 March 2010
Bath Time
Bath time is still a fun time for Shern. He loves to splash the water. Many times I get myself all wet after I finish bathing him.
17 March 2010
However, the after-bath time is always a headache for me. Shern refuses to lie down a nd struggles to get up while I wrestled with him to get his clothes and diapers on. He usually ended up howling.
Below is one of the rare moments that he was being a good boy and even allowed me to capture his photo while he is lying down quietly.
17 March 2010
Laughed Non-Stop
Shern is ticklish. Look at how daddy snuggled his head into Shern's tummy which tickled him and sent him into fits of laughter.
1 April 2010
Below are the photos captured during the Apom Balik moments by pho-pho. View the video here.
4 April 2010
Clothes Pegs
Shern has this thing for the clothes pegs. The basketful of colourful pegs fascinate him. He couldn't get enough of it every night when yee-pho brings them out. Shern likes emptying the whole basket and throw the pegs everywhere.

4 April 2010 & 12 March 2010
Min-yee's CAT Grad
Shern witnessed Mn-yee's grad. He even got to hold the scroll and take a photo with the 'star' :)
6 March 2010
Flipping Pages of Books
Shern can now flip pages of books. He cleverly flips them over and over again.
We still read books together every night before he sleeps. Actually, we read books to him whole day long. Just a few books are kept just for night time reading.
7 March 2010
Pointing His Index Finger
Shern now uses his index finger to point at everything. He points at things he wants. He points at the directions he wants you to go. He points this. He points that. Everything.
Took Shern to Gurney Plaza's Kiddie Rides at the Basement near the foodcourt. He did not really understand the rides but he enjoyed touching all the buttons and steering wheels, etc.
13 March 2010
Playing With Toys I Did Not Buy
I think Shern likes going to the mall with us. Because there, he gets to play with all the toys in Parkson, Toys 'R' Us, etc. Though of course sometimes he made a fuss when we had to take it away from him as we are leaving the shop.
We would just distract him with a pamphlet or other stuff and show him his next toy.
13 March 2010
Grasping Objects Using Thumb and Index Finger
Yes, Shern has mastered this skill. He can do this even with very small objects.
Crawling On Uneven Surfaces
Shern can now climb on uneven surfaces easily. Easy-peasy for him!
21 March 2010
Big Boss
Shern sitting like a big boss - with us being his humble servants. Haha
14 March 2010
Photo With Mummy & Daddy

17 March 2010 & 13 March 2010
Shern Shouting With Glee
Lastly, I will post a photo of Shern shouting with glee. It is so happy being a child.
22 March 2010
How Is Mummy Doing?
Is still having lack of sleep because Shern still does not sleep through the night. Sigh.