Yeah, we went nearby to Sushi Zento, and I satisfied my tummy with delicious food. Had the bacon salad there (my other salad love besides Edo Ichi's salad), smoked duck and salmon sashimi set, and also the salmon/unagi roll.

Then today, on the actual birthday, first kiss received was from Shern, who gave me a birthday kiss before he left for school.
Ok, to be fair, hubby did kiss me first at the stroke of midnight. Haha. And he got me an early pressie, my new point-and-shoot black baby - Canon Powershot s120.
My old almost 5-year old Canon Ixus 110s was dying and really broken, with its lid coming off 5 times in 5 minutes, and its software going bonkers, which kept asking me to set the date and time every time I turned the camera on.
I've been using it for some weeks now and it is really good, and I'm lovin' it. Thanks darlin'.
And then today, I went to Gurney Plaza for some last minute shopping, trying my best to use my birthday vouchers before they expired. Yes, I know I am so last-minute. I managed to buy a new King sized quilt, some fitted sheets and quilt cover and some pillow cases for our new bed in our new home, with rather good discounts.
And finally bought myself a new year dress for this CNY. Yay, but the thing is that I don't know how am I going to nurse Khye in a dress! Well, we'll see.
Rushed home and got everyone ready for dinner. Hubby's taking us all out to Hard Rock Hotel for my birthday dinner!
Love these photos of us!
Love these photos of us!

A photo of just me and hubby.

The cafe's atmosphere's nice. Very rockin' hollywood feel indeed.

The nice people there gave the kids an activity sheet and some crayons. I love these type of service. It really helps to keep the kids quiet and in their seat.
Khye was doodling away, with both hands!

Love Khye's happy face!

And Shern was happy doing some puzzles and playing tic-tac-toe with daddy.

We ordered this huge CNY platter which was meant for 2.
But looking at the types of food listed, we ordered just that, and a kid's meal.
Salmon Chowder soup was delicious. Thick enough and very salmon-y.

This thick chocolate milkshake was included in the kid's meal, and Shern gave it a thumbs up.

Then the huge CNY platter came, and although it doesn't look huge, but it was very filling.
There were mini beef burgers with plum sauce, beef floss sandwiches, chicken fingers, chicken drumstick, chicken breast meat, fried potato skin, prawns with sweet and sour sauce, fried rice, etc.
It was delicious and very filling indeed. We were all so full.
The set also came with deserts, but the glass of longan juice cocktail and ice-cream tasted bleh. I didn't like it.

This was Shern's fish n chips, kids's meal. Fish portion was generous. I like the fries. I like thick fries.

We took some photos of us.

A photo of all of us.

Then suddenly the staff came and all of them sang me a birthday song. It was a nice gesture, but I was a bit embarrassed haha. They gave me a slice of cheesecake on the house.

Khye stealing some cheesecake for himself.

And then they gave me a very nice souvenir. They printed out our family photo on the spot and then framed it up and gave it to us. Very very nice gesture indeed. Thank you Hard Rock!

When we left, we waited at the porch area beneath these magical colourful lighting.

And the kids played with their balloons while waiting for daddy to fetch his car.

And my birthday's not over yet.
Yeah...we had a cake waiting for us at home.
A seemingly ordinary, but super delicious red velvet cake with cream cheese cake, by Oritta Cakehouse, the same bakery I ordered the cupcakes from during both kids birthday parties.

The blowing of candles.

Kisses from my boys.

With Ah Yee and Min.

The insides of the cake. Sorry. Bad lighting.

Hubby bought me macarons from Valerie. I eat this like once a year because they are so pricey. Haha.
I love macarons, but only from Valerie's.

And Min got me Mochi's from Mochi Sweets. I love them.

Judging by what my family members gave me for my birthday, you will know that I am such a pig. Haha, yeah I love food.
And oh ya, one of my favourite birthday gift is from K Studio.
Received this through the mail today, and it is such a thoughtful gift.

This magnetized sheet of 2014 calendar is now stuck proudly on my fridge door.
Thank you Karen from K Studio!

OK, so now my birthday's over. Another 364 more days to my birthday next year!
Thank you everyone who wished me and sent me some love!
And I am now officially 32 years old. :)