Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Missed Shern Like Crazy

MIL agreed to take care of Shern for the weekend, so both Peter & I followed my parents, Min & Ah Yee down to KL. We went down on Sat 29th Sep morning and came back on Tue 1st Sep '09.

I cracked my head for a few nights...packing Shern's stuff to bring to MIL's house.

Milk. Check. Pacifier. Check. Mamy Poko. Check. Diapers. Check. Mittens. Check. Booties. Check. PJs. Check. Hankies. Check. Cotton Buds. Check. Bephanthen. Check. Toys. Check. Medicine. Check.

....and the list goes on.

The night before, I pampered Shern. Cuddling him when he cries. Let him suckle my breasts for as long as he likes. I know I am going to miss him a lot.

The next morning, Shern seems to know we are going to leave him.
Look at his kesian face I took of him sitting in his infant car seat on the way to MIL's house.

I was reluctant to leave him. But then I wanted to go to KL and buy Shern stuff. KL has more choices. (excuses...I know...I know!)

During our stay in KL...all of us would time to time mention Shern's cute stuff and antics. All of us miss Shern. I miss him the most I think. When I got up to express my milk in the middle of the night, I thought of him most of the time and miss him sleeping beside me.

It was the first time I was away from Shern.
It was the first time Shern was not sleeping in the same room with me at night.

Although I enjoyed my trip to KL, I was happy on the day we came home. Shern was of course overjoyed (I assume!).

Ooohh....I miss my baby....


Soo Huey said...

been waiting to see if anyone will ask how u managed to time travel... but no one picked up on it wan.

tanshuyin said...

shuey....time travel? y? *confused

Soo Huey said...

your 2nd sentence says "We went down on Sat 29th Sep morning and came back on Tue 1st Sep '09". hehe!

glad you're doing well. keep up the posting so we know what you're up to coz so limited chance to meet up, and even then prolly not much relaxed chit chat time.


tanshuyin said...

shuey...i can meet up with u long as it is a planned ahead outing. so that i can arrange for 'babysitter' for shern ;)

and of coz i need to go to the toilet to express my milk every 3-4 hrly. hehe
