I am not sure what kind of herbs this jelly powder is made of. Some said it is made from turtle shell. I doubt it! I mean...do you think you can get to buy rare endangered species' shell for just RM3.50 per box (10 packets) ?
Anyway, this herbal jelly is supposed to be have a cooling effect after consumption. I only ate a piece of it as I am now pregnant and I am refraining myself from eating stuff made from 'unknown' chinese herbs.
Anyway, i cooked this jelly for mum (her favourite too!) and put it into the pretty jelly moulds. Refrigerate them as they are much nicer taken cold! Already put rock sugar into the jelly solution so no more honey is needed.

Oh ya...after I know how to make them, I don't buy Guai Ling Gou from shops anymore. They are sold freakingly expensive. Usually those tea and herbal shops sell ready-to-eat Guai Ling Gous for rm3 to rm3.50 per small bowl!
i WANT!!!
hehe. next time u come my hse i make for u eat. this one easy to make nya
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