This year, hubby and I celebrated V-Day during lunch on the eve. We dropped Shern at mum's place for 2 hours and off we went nearby to celebrate.
However, many places are closed. We saw that Vintage Bulgaria was open as they cater for tourists. As I have not been to Vintage Bulgaria before, we went in after checking out the menu and the price list! :P
It was there that I gave hubby his V-Day present. I am excited to give him the present because I don't give him V-Day presents every year.
Peter was surprised to see the Borsheims sticker on the present.
Borsheims is a jewelry store in the US and this big package does not seem to be containing jewelries.
So what did I get for hubby?
Yes, it is a Monopoly boardgame. Mind you, this is no ordinary Monopoly. It is the limited edition of Berkshire Hathaway Diamond Edition Monopoly game.
I have tried sourcing it everywhere in Penang but it seems that it can't be found anywhere in Malaysia. No one is willing to ship it for me from overseas. I've tried all major supermarkets, Toys 'R' Us, MPH, Popular.....
They claim that their vendors do not have it because it is a limited edition and the demand for it is low.
Luckily, thanks to a good friend, Alan, who is in the US during that time agreed to bring it back for me if I buy it online from the US.
And of course, hubby is ecstatic. I know no one would appreciate this game more than Peter. He was looking and touching it like his precious baby.
Halfway looking at his new baby, food arrived. We ordered 1 set menu to share as I was not hungry.
The broccoli soup was good. Creamy and smooth.
Fish was very salty. I felt like we were hurting our kidneys by forcing ourselves to finish the fish. I think the chef accidentally poured in too much salt.
I purposely asked what is the 'desert of the day' before choose the menu and the waitress there told me it is lemon cheesecake. But when we finished the main course, she told me that the lemon cheesecake has finished and they replaced it with ice-cream with banana slices. Don't let the pic fool you. The portion was really small. I was feeling rather displease then.
Then I wanted to try their creme brulee as they said it was their signature dish desert. It tasted OK but a little pricey.
All in all, I wasn't really happy with my first dining experience in Vintage Bulgaria. Thumbs down.
We then took a picture when we were being served our coffee.
Before we left the place, hubby insisted that he wanted to take a picture in front of the restaurant holding his Monopoly Game high up in the air.
So, here goes.....

Hubby really looks like an overgrown kid, huh? I think no one will believe me if I tell them that he is gonna be 30 this year.
Now is the time for the BIG question: So what did hubby did for me for V-Day?
He took all my storybooks and have them wrapped up nicely in transparency covers. (I've been wanting to do that for quite some time but I kiam siap).
Now he did it for me :)
wah very kiam siap peter
at least u got urself a valentine's day gift! but i was expecting peter to give u something fancier... =) hahaha...
min...haha. he said he dunno wat to buy me wor. did he give u a v-day gift? :)
*drum rolls*...
did peter wrap the books himself? or brought it somewhere for it to be wrapped?
I actually think that was a nice present to give you. especially if he wrapped it up himself. It's the thought that counts (and not the price) when it comes to presents that was something very thoughtful, since he knew you wanted to do it for some time now.
chiaoju...needless to say, u must have given him smtg nice? ;)
mindy..he brought them for it to be wrapped. and yes, im happy too. so now all my books are nicely wrapped...until i dare not lend it to ppl who may spoil my boooks. haha
yes shu-yin. i thought the gift i did was quite nice. very moving as well! *weep*. kesian kan... :(
chiaoju....nah. nvm. juz hope he appreciates it.
i think thats a very very great present from Peter.. don't really have to hand-wrap lah! But imagine the love for u when he took all the books to have it wrap!! Tell Peter he becoming more n more romantic hahaha
wen...haha. i will definitely let him know u say he is becoming more romantic. i must ask him to learn a thing or two from ian.
yalor. now i appreciates my books more dee coz they are all nicely wrapped!
It is great that your hubby understands your need so well! Keep the love burning. :)
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