Dearest Mum,
Though there are lotsa of things we dont see eye-to-eye, I know you still love me and only want the best for me.
I am sorry for being such a brat sometimes.
I can't imagine life without you.
You are someone who listens to my daily ramblings.
You are someone whom I go to when I am sick. (you always nurse me back to health!)
You are someone who cannot stop buying stuff for my Little Angel even before he is born! ;P
Thank you for bringing me up and loving me.
Thank you for always being there for me.
somehow in my mind i expected that you would be skinnier than that as a baby! but chubby also...
now i know that shuyin isn't skinny as a baby and when she is pregnant. i wonder how you'll be after you've given birth... interesting.
shuey...oi...haha..i was a chubby baby til around 4-5 i think.
then i started shrinking! hehe
after given birth...pls pray I would be slim ok? ;)
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