Friday, May 30, 2008

Iron Man

Peter & I must be the last few people who watch Iron Man movie. I mean...we asked everyone and they all told us the same answer "Watched already lah". Peter's butt was itching and he couldn't wait to lay his eyes on this supposedly action-packed movie.

We then checked and decided to watch the 11.45am movie. To our surprised, it was only RM6/ticket as it was a 'before 12noon screening'.

So how was the movie? It was AWESOME, way better than i expected. It lived up to Peter's expectations as everyone else said it is a nice movie (with the exception of ChoonHung :P).

I personally like Gwyneth Paltrow as Virginia "Pepper" Potts in Iron Man. I find her fresh and witty and loyal. Peter complains that there is not enough action/fighting scene though, but I think it is OK. The director took enough time to build up the characters.

All in all, we think it is one of the best movie we've watched in 2008! And with just RM6/ticket, it was a steal!


Anonymous said...

haha.really dunno y.i hv to argue with every fren about this.sienz :P

tanshuyin said...

nice movie la. ur taste cacat! :P

Anonymous said...

I still haven't watched lar!!!

tanshuyin said...

huey..then u very susah wanna find ppl dee..everyone else watched dee!

J said...

shuey don't worry.. you still have me to accompany you being outdated! I haven't watch that movie and i don't plan to watch hahaha coz ironman is not really my cup of tea...
