Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pregnancy Hemorrhoids/Piles Is Killing Me - Week 39

Week 39 - 11 September 2012

I'm in Week 39 already and 'Lil Bub is still sitting comfortably in my tummy.
But I'm not so comfortable now.

Starting this week, my hemorrhoids/piles are getting worse, and it is really bothering me. I don't use to have piles. But during this pregnancy, I'm starting to have them because I am carrying baby very low throughout my whole pregnancy.

But when I went to see gynae yesterday, Dr. Eric says 'Lil Bub's head is engaged so low that we can't even see the top of his head in the ultrasound scan. So this means the baby's head is really giving me the pressure down there. The continuous pressure from the baby is pushing everything down, thus pushing those piles out. He assures me they will get better after delivery. Sigh. I certainly hope so.

With the baby's head so low, no wonder it hurts down there when I try to lift my legs, so I had difficulty wearing my pants. And my whole belly is also getting so low that i need to walk with my two feet apart, and so I waddle.

And the scan shows baby is 4.1kg. Omg. But doctor says it is not that accurate, and baby should be about 3.8kg only. And then baby head is still big. When I heard about this, I was like, oh no....can I still push him out?

But the best news of all is that 'Lil Bub finally turned and faces back! Yay!
I'm still 3cm dilated and doctor says my cervix is now as soft as 'tauhu hua', which means I'm like super ready to give birth.

Doctor says there is no need for intervention yet (inducement) because my water level is still good, and there is no high blood pressure or whatsoever. And he said he thinks 'Lil Bub should be coming out this week. Well, he had said that for the past 2 weeks and it isn't happening yet! Lol.

Anyway, if 'Lil Bub is still being stubborn, then I would be admitted next week and intervention will happen. So we will see.


Anonymous said...

shuyin, ask your doc to give you swipe and sweep (membrane sweep) it will definitely bring in labour within 48 hours for your case.This is the most natural way without needing any drug intervention :)

Elizabeth J. Neal said...

Actually those methods you mentioned are meant to totally http://tldkit.com remove piles and not only to reduce their size. But on the other hand, new piles can still develop due to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Unknown said...

External prevent hemorrhoids symptoms are generally divided into problems with acute thrombosis and hygiene/skin tag complaints.
