Wednesday, February 8, 2012

'Lil Bub's Heartbeat's Loud and Clear - Week 8

I was so looking forward to this gynae visit because I know that today, we can hear Lil Bub's heartbeat. And yes, we heart it, loud and clear. I am just so relieved to know Lil Bub is growing well inside me. I am into my 8th week now.

Little Bub's Hearbeart's loud and clear

I have mild nausea, more to like no appetite. And I suddenly took comfort to eating cheese sandwich. It's not a craving but it makes me less nausea to eat that.

I lost weight. I was weighing around 51.5kg before that. Then during my first gynae visit, the nurse recorded me at 50.2kg. Then this time, I was down to 48.5kg.
This happens during my first pregnancy too, I lost a couple of kgs in the 1st trimester before I start gaining weight, so I guess this is normal for me.

Doctor asked me to eat more. But it is not easy when you don't have much of an appetite. But I try to eat more healthy. Bread with cheese, tomatoes and lettuce is healthy right?

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