In the midst of hurried packing after getting news of my grandma's passing, I left my breastpump bag in the KL Hotel we were staying.
Yes...I am still wondering how in the world did I managed to leave my most important thing there!
Anyway, due to this, my milk supply started dwindling down to almost nothing. Late nights at the funeral wake and stress also helped with the dwindle. And at times, when my breasts are full and ready, Shern sometimes just had a big bowl of porridge and did not want to suckle. I had to wait for awhile and coaxed him to suckle a little to help ease the fullness. Arghhh....
I am not one of the lucky ones who can express milk out manually by hand. I guess I can't because first of all, I don't have that much milk now and secondly, it hurts, for me at least. I need a breastpump if Shern doesn't want to suckle.
Anyway, after a few days, my brains starting getting the signal that my baby does not want so much milk so I guess that is the reason my milk supply starting dwindling down.
So I think maybe this is a sign that tells me this is now the time to wean Shern off breastfeeding.
But I am feeling abit sad. Now everytime I asks Shern, 'Do you want milk-milk?', he will smile at me and lean back on my arms and starts opening his mouth. He is such a cutey thing when he does that.
Anyway, I have arranged for the hotel people to post back the breastpump bag to me next week. By then, Shern will most probably have no more milk-milk to drink.
And now, I have to start searching for formula to replace my milk since I only have about a month or less EBM in my freezer.
So what you mothers feed your 1 year olds? Any formula brands to recommend?
you may try dutch lady if you want a cheap one or mamex or similac-as recommend by GH
which brand is jaden drinking now?
Hi. Baby O is 14 months and I have been supplementing her with Enfagrow for breakfast and in cooking on top of breastmilk. I would suggest that you get some samples (from clinics or request from companies online) before buying any because these formulas don't come cheap! Shern may not like a particular taste or develop an allergy or something and the whole tin would have gone to waste. All the best!
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