Well, not only that but we recently found out Khye knows his alphabet too.
As for the alphabets, we also didn't even taught him A to Z. We just mentioned to Khye the occasional letters that we see, such as the 'G' on mum's apartment lift, and also some car number plates we see on the road/parking lots.
But we could see that Khye is very much into numbers and letters. He would try to read them whenever he sees words on our t-shirts or trying to read brochures.
He doesn't know every single letters yet, but he knows quite a many.
See below video on me testing Khye on the day I was shocked to find out my little baby knows many letters at 2 Years 4 Months!
And to think that Khye didn't even talk yet at age 2, this is a leaping milestone for him and I am so proud of my little boy.
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