Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Littlest Guy In The House Turns 2

4 Aug 2014

My little baby is now 2 years old. 

How can that be? 
I remembered just recently, he was my roundish and cuddly baby, and now with some baby fats gone, he has grown much taller and much more wriggly, but with the same smile that stole our hearts 2 years ago.

Below is what I've written and posted on facebook, a small little shoutout to the littlest guy in the house.

"Dearest Yiu-Khye,
In two blinks of an eye, you turn 2 today.
You were born 2 years ago as a giant baby of 4kg. You were a very easy baby and you have the widest, loveliest smile with the mildest temper!
But you also have your own style, and that is by refusing milk in a bottle and only take your milk straight from the source. And you refused to eat until you are 1yo.
You achieve most milestone late, taking your own sweet time. You are such a chillax baby. I'm so glad you are my second child, if not I would have worried sick. lol.
But through you, I learned to be patient and that each child grows in their own time. In watching you grow, you blossom into such a sweet-nature child with an easy happy smile!
But in these 2 years, you were a blessing to our family. You bring us so much laughter and happiness. You give your brother some frowns and yet many hugs and kisses.
I love the way you run (a cross between a skip and a run), and I love the way you show your signature bull-dog face. I also love the way you smile and the way you laugh.
You are forever the sunshine in our family!
Wishing you lots of love and joy and laughter and happiness your whole life!
Happy birthday little sunshine and we all love you so very much!"

Lots of Love from,
Daddy, Mummy and Koko. 

1 comment:

Serenely said...

Oh my gosh! Those two years went by really quick didn't they! Amazing how two babies from the same 'source' can turn out completely different from each other. HAppy 2nd birthday little Khye1
