Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I'm Gonna Have 3 Little Boys!

Yes, it has been confirmed that Little Bun is gonna be a BOY!

Haha. I've kinda known it all along. Mother instincts, you know.
And it is ironic that my mum has 3 girls, and I'm gonna have 3 boys.

And oh, yes, I just want to make it clear. I totally hate it when strangers/friends 'symphatize' with me and tell me 'never mind, the next one's gonna be a girl'.
Well, I want to declare that I'm happy and hype to be welcoming another boy into our family. 
All I ever wish for is for Little Bun to be healthy and whole!

Shern and Khye has been really amazing and they are so different and special in their own ways.

And having same sex siblings also foster close relationships between the kids. I myself is a testimony of this as I grow up having really close relationship with both my sisters! 

I am now more than halfway into my pregnancy. I'm 21 weeks now and just came back from babymoon in Sydney just a few days ago.
Being in the 2nd trimester is just swell and nice. No more morning sickness and I can eat almost anything I like. And I just felt Little Bun kicked me in my tummy about a week ago, and as before, is the most amazing feeling in the world.

I'd done the Anomaly Test just before my trip to Sydney and I'm glad that the results came out good and well. And we got to see Little Bun in 3D which is way clearer than the normal ultrasounds.

My tummy is getting bigger now and all of a sudden, strangers suddenly notice that I am pregnant, and they give up their seats for me in buses and such. I feel like such a queen.

I had abdominal colic once I reached Penang, thanks to the plane food I suppose. But all is well now. I'd gained about 600g since 2 weeks ago and now my weight is about 51.5kg, which is just a slight increase from my pre-pregnancy weight of 51kg. (thanks to the weight loss during my 1st trimester)

So that should be all for now.
I am getting slacker now that this is pregnancy#3. Only 1 blog post in trimester 1, and this is the 2nd blog post. Haha.

Anyway, now I shall get back to wondering why on earth am I getting pregnant for the 3rd time, and how am I gonna cope with having 3 boisterous boys in the house. Oh, 4 including hubby!

