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Vern @ 2 1/2 mo - 30 September 2015 |
I chose a wrap to babywear my newborn/infant baby#3, instead of a soft-structured carrier (SSC). My first wrap was the Ergobaby Wrap and then the Pittari Wrap.
I had not used a ring sling prior to this because I did not know how to tie/wear a ring sling. Luckily for me, Charmaine from Unison CA was so nice to come all the way to my house to show me how to do it properly.
And since that day, it became my favourite to bring out when Vern was a teeny little baby - The SUKKIRi Ring Sling.
Unison CA is the exclusive distributor of the Lucky Company. The Lucky Company was founded in the year 1934 and it is the oldest and most trusted baby carrier manufacturer in Japan.
Unison CA is the exclusive distributor of the Lucky Company. The Lucky Company was founded in the year 1934 and it is the oldest and most trusted baby carrier manufacturer in Japan.
Throughout the years, the advance technology, continuous improvement and the product testing and research of LUCKY products have been recognized worldwide.
The people behind Unison CA are parents themselves. So they encourage parent and child attachment, as how they encourage and promote babywearing. Out of all, safety and comfort of babies are of their utmost care, and so they bring us high quality and reliable products from around the globe.
The people behind Unison CA are parents themselves. So they encourage parent and child attachment, as how they encourage and promote babywearing. Out of all, safety and comfort of babies are of their utmost care, and so they bring us high quality and reliable products from around the globe.
(Source: unisonca.com)
The SUKKIRIi came in a compact sturdy plastic packaging. This is how the Sukkiri packaging looks like; front and back views. I love how informative it is.
It has the word SUKKIRi on top with an image of a lady model wearing their kid in the SUKKIRi ring sling on the front of the packaging.
And at the back of it, it shows you some info of the ring sling; the benefit, features, etc.

The moment I took the Ring Sling, I knew I'd love how small and compact it is.
When folded it is slightly bigger than the size of my hand. And it could easily be folded smaller than that too.

The brand name SUKKIRi is being sewn on it.

The ring also locks and grips well, and the fabric does not slide easily.

The sling has an "open pocket" in which the whole fabric can be folded up into the pocket itself, making it less messy and also easy to being on-the-go

You can also watch this short youtube video clip on how to wear the ring sling.
Wearing it is really easy once you know how to.
The two seam ends of the Sukkiri is cleverly sewn with a different thread colour, one white (part A) and the other black (part B) for us to differentiate the two different seam ends.
This is so that when you pull the 'tail' to tighten or loosen it, you will know which ends to pull, making it even simpler.
Look below diagram to learn on How To Adjust the Sling.
The next day after guidance from Charmaine and watching the youtube video clip above, I straightaway felt much more confident and wore it out.
We went to the town for some cafe hopping with my family and the Sukkiri provided baby Vern the warm and coziness while keeping him cool with the very soft breathable mesh fabric.
This is so suitable for our hot and humid tropical climate especially when you use it for outdoors.
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Vern @ 1 1/2mo - 29 August 2015 |
And then there was no stopping me. I took the SUKKIRi with me all the time because it was just so convenient, especially since little Vern was still tiny and weigh much less.
And just like its sister sling, the SUPPORi that I'd reviewed earlier, the sling spread evenly over my shoulder and distributes the weight to Deltoid muscle, preventing the stiff shoulder.

After securing it, the end of the "tail" of the ring sling can be twisted and rolled up to form an extra support for the baby's neck since baby Vern is still small.

Or I could just go round the tail to wrap up the ring sling as not only it will make the "tail" shorter, but also to avoid baby Vern from knocking his head on the hard ring sling.

This is how I look while babywearing Vern in the SUKKIRi.
The front and side views.

This is the back of the ring sling. Try to spread the fabric as wide as possible for a more comfortable wear.

Look at how comfortable baby Vern was sleeping inside the SUKKIRi ring sling?

It was so easy to just stuff the small and compact SUKKIRi into the diaper bag, and when needed just take it out and wrap baby Vern in it.
These are the wefies we managed to take when only both of us went out; to Tesco, bookstore, mall etc.

If I want to shop for ours, usually I'd still bring my stroller with me which acts as a trolley for me to put my diaper bag or my shopping bags. The stroller sometimes also act as a changing station when I need to do diaper changes. The stroller carries everything except for baby Vern who doesn't sleep long in it. He prefers to be near my tummy. ;)

This was 5 of us when visiting Logos Hope, which would be difficult to navigate a stroller up the ship. So baby Vern was hugged near to me all the time and didn't miss out on family outings.

Another outdoor and super hot event we went to - the Lantern Festival last year and the SUKKIRi kept me hands free to hold on to my elder kids and also it kept baby Vern cool in it. Furthermore it was a night event and having him close to me gives me peace of mind. It was also easier to babywear to such events than to bring a stroller which would be difficult for us to navigate through the field.

Or I could eat my favourite guai lin gou.

I use my SUKKIRi almost everyday since then til Vern was about 4 months old. And then he got really heavy and he then fit perfectly into the soft-structured carrier (SSC).
But I still put my SUKKIRI ring sling in the car for a short outing or if I ever forget to bring my SSC.
There was once I tried on the SUKKIRi when he got bigger and he still fit good.
That time I no longer had to support his neck as Vern already had good neck control then.
He was still happy in it and still comfy.
He was still happy in it and still comfy.

The only cons I can think of is that as baby grows bigger and heavier, it is a little taxing on the wearer as it is on a one-shoulder support if you do long outings. You may need to switch shoulders for a more comfortable wear experience.
However, short outings below 1 year old is still very good to use on bigger babies.
But all in all, I love this SUKKIRi ring sling as I still feel that a wrap or a ring sling is most suitable for newborns and infants.
I'd wish I'd learnt how to use a ring sling earlier with my two elder kids as it is such a keep to have a small and compact carrier.
I totally recommend to others, especially to babywear babies from newborn to about 4mo.
It is light weight and compact features is what I like best as it is easy to stuff inside any bag.
To read about my other reviews on babycarriers, click on below :-
a) Soft-structured Carriers (SSCs)
- Pikkolo by Catbird Baby
a) Soft-structured Carriers (SSCs)
- Pikkolo by Catbird Baby
- Boba 3G
- LÍLLÉbaby® Complete All Seasons (Part 1, Part 2)
- Ergobaby; Ergobaby Performance, and Ergobaby 360.
- Ergobaby; Ergobaby Performance, and Ergobaby 360.
b) Wraps
- Ergobaby Wrap
- Ergobaby Wrap
Good news! Thanks to UNISON CA, readers of this blog gets:
20% off ALL products from their website store from now until 30 June 2016, using discount code 'HappyGoLucky' upon checkout.
Check out the different products by UNISON CA ranging from carriers, feeding products and accessories.
You can also visit their Website or their Facebook Page for more info.
Or you can also add them on Instagram @mysuppori_unisonca
Disclosure: I received a SUKKIRi Ring Sling for review purpose, but no monetary incentive was received. All text and opinions are of my own and represents my honest opinion of the product(s).