
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Day At the Mall

Quite often we go to one of the malls in Penang during weekends.

As Shern refuses to sit in his stroller, it is quite a daunting task for me to carry him all the time. So usually we will bring Shern to do things he enjoys the mall.

Like...chilling out at McD. He gets to enjoy his favourite fries and milo. And so he sat happily in the high chair.

25 June 2011

And since he was full, he slept while we dined in Sakae Sushi. It was a pity really because Shern loves sushi. He can take a few pieces of it.

But luckily, he woke up in time to see the Sakae froggy. Shern was so happy to see the froggy. He high-5-ed it, shook froggy's hands and even gave froggy a hug. And he was so happy to tell us that 'frog-frog gave him a balloon'!

And then we took him to the bookstore. Shern loves the bookstore and kept on asking us to 'read book' to him. I ended up reading to him books of Cars, Barney, Thomas & Friends and even a pictionary book!
(I forgot to snap a photo of Shern in the bookstore because I was busy reading to him!)

And then of course his favourite place is Toys R Us. He likes to play with all the toys there, pressing all the buttons and of course his favorite vehicles!
Until now, Shern is always a good boy and will leave the place when we tell him 'car-car want to sleep already. Say bye-bye to car-cars'! :)

Lastly, we did some donation and Shern loves watching the coins twirl round and round the well.

I think Shern enjoys the mall more than me. Because I can never shop with Shern around! ;)

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