
Friday, December 19, 2008

Mixed Feelings

I guess some people are angry at me for not letting them know I am pregnant before I announce it to the whole world in my blog. Am i bothered by them?
I would lie if I say No. I am actually. A little.

I actually told a handful of people about my pregnancy beforehand. This handful of people are mostly my family and relatives of course.

But then I still think I have the right to choose who I wish to tell it to. I should not let them make me feel guilty.

One of my friend told me she was hurt by not knowing beforehand. And when I told her the reason, she said I am giving excuses. Actually, everything that I said she felt that they are excuses.
Anyway, I realized that she was so busy feeling hurt and angry that she did not congratulate me on my pregnancy at all.

And now as we are all matured, i feel bothered by all these 'childish behaviour'.
Most of my good friends were not angry at me for finding out about my pregnancy through my blog. They congratulate me without hesitation the moment they see me online or they leave congratulatory messages in my blog comments section.
So why should she feel this way?

Anyway, I feel good to type this. It is a nice feeling to let this off my chest.


  1. Huh? Hurt? Do you need to inform her you go toilet at what time? :P

  2. don't feel hurt girl. you have the right who to tell and who not to tell. you can't go telling everyone about your pregnancy right? anyways that's not important. what's most important is you and your baby beneath your flat (still flat?) tummy! :) love, karen.

  3. Hey girl, you have every right not to tell people about your pregnancy especially during your first tri-semester. Most woman who are pregnant do the same thing. If I were pregnant, I would try to hide it from my family as loooonggg as possible (to avoid them nagging about cannot eat this and cannot do that :P).

    Don't feel bad about it ya... sometimes it's not worth getting upset over things which are not important at all. I'm sure that the people who really care are all overjoyed to hear about your little one.

    Hugs and kisses, and looking forward to meeting you for Chirstmas!~ :)

  4. you sure have every right to choose who, when and how you want to spread this news. and i'm sure u have ur reasons for doing so. :) and i agree with Mindy's comment -- most women won't break the news in the first trimester of the pregnancy.

    since u have already felt better letting it off your chest... now it's back to concentrating on being pregnant! hahaha... :)

    oh, and remember to claim your xmas pressie from me soon... *hugs* take care.

  5. huey, karen, mindy, chiaoju...thanks alot for your support. i feel much better now. :)

  6. Just do whatever makes you happy. The wonderful thing about being a mother is joy. Don't let anyone take that from you. It is your right do whatever you need to be happy.

    Can I touch your belly when I see you? Pretty please...


  7. LOL... what belly? Shu-Yin is still as skinny as ever.. you'll have to wait a few more months. :P

  8. well, ur fren very 'sim aik ' narrow heart!!! hehe
    dun b unhappy or guily cuz of her. its not worth it n i dun consider her ur fren by not understanding u....

  9. yin, i want to touch your pregnant belly when i come back!!!

  10. kuku...hehe. yalor, not like u alwiz so WIDE HEART :) stomach now bigger dee lor suddenly!

  11. congrats shuyin.errr...hope u will make a right choice in name tummy is still bigger than yours.
    do take care and becareful. they say sex is good during pregnancy. is it true?

  12. guess im glad guys dont face that "problem". LOL

    no biggy knowing it sooner or biggy not being congratulated on either. but it is a big biggy to jaga that miniyou....hahahaha :p

  13. ndru..i sure consult u before i finally decide on a name! :D


  14. shuyin, i think i heard from my friends that during the first to third month of the pregnancy --> cannot have sex! After the third month to the sixth month --> feel free to have as much as possible coz on the seventh month onwards --> cannot have sex! I think you better consult your gynae.

    ermm... another friend of mine, the nurse asked her if she just had sex before the delivery date as her baby's head is full of sperm.. hahaha I can still laugh when I think about what she told me.. LOL!! So, becareful and take good care of your little one.

  15. peeeen, interesting....never knew that!

  16. wahh...haha. i asked my gynae dee. he said shd be ok as long as it is gentle and im comfortable. but as i grow bigger, it will be more umcomfortable for me to move around and thus may just refuse sex. i dunno yet! haha!
